Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Activity Page

Guess what?  Mommie just added a new ACTIVITY PAGE to my website!  It has a couple of my favorite recipes - made with oats, of course, a beautiful picture of me that you can color, and there is even a place where you can send me a message.

Please hurry and check it out at www.alvietheburro.com/activitypage.html

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Painted Portrait

Guess what?  My Mommie painted a portrait of me!  I look so handsome! 

Check it out at www.alvietheburro.com/alviephotothumbs.html  It's down near the bottom of the page.  You can click on it to see a larger version.

Here it is

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

4 of Alvie's Stories Now Have Audio Versions Online

Hi Everyone!

Did you know that 4 of my stories have a recorded version so that you can now LISTEN to them online?  Go to www.alvietheburro.com and look for the link. 

My new Aunt - Barbara M. Nelson - does a wonderful job of reading them out loud.  She really makes my stories come to life.

I hope you like my stories and will pass them along to your friends.